New Interfuse Department- Bright IDEA
Introducing Bright IDEA – Join Our New Inclusion, Diversity, Equitability, and Acceptance Team!
We’re thrilled to announce the creation of Bright IDEA, our brand-new department dedicated to promoting diversity, inclusion, and equity within the event. Bright IDEA will act as a welcome wagon for people of color and the trans and non-binary community, hosting events like a POC brunch and “The Cookout” (Black Burner meetup). This team will be a key part of fostering a more inclusive, equitable, and safe environment for everyone, especially those who are new to the event and seeking a welcoming space.
Ideally, the leads for Bright IDEA will include both a person of color and a trans person, each bringing valuable perspectives to the table by navigating the world through these identities, ensuring the department is shaped by the lived experiences of people from marginalized racial and gender communities. We’re not just looking for leads—we also need passionate individuals who want to help this department grow and thrive.
If you believe in creating a more inclusive community and want to help us build something meaningful, we’d love for you to join Bright IDEA! For more information, please contact us at interfuseecs@midwestburners.org.
New Interfuse Department- IMP
Introducing the new Interfuse Media and Propaganda (IMP) Department – Join Us!
We’re excited to announce the launch of the Interfuse Media and Propaganda (IMP) department! This brand-new team brings together the Infobot, website, and social media channels, while also addressing the growing need for event photography. IMP will ensure our messaging is consistent across platforms and that all media is consent-informed and safe to use. Event photographers will be officially marked with lanyards, and you’ll play a key role in making sure everything runs smoothly.
Since this department is brand new, we’re looking for tech-savvy individuals who can help shape the way we share and capture moments. If you’re passionate about social media, technology, or event photography, this is the perfect opportunity to jump in and make a difference.
Interested in being part of something new? Join the IMP team! For more information, please contact us at interfuseecs@midwestburners.org.
Help Plan Interfuse 2025!
Vote for 2025 Theme!
We ask of you- the artists, the lovers, our prank goblins, and creative personalities abound- to vote for the Interfuse 2025 Theme!
We will keep this open until Friday 9/20
Call for ECs and Leads
Hi, folks. LJ Bittersweet, here. I need to level with my community. Interfuse 2024 almost didn’t happen. We lost 2 of our ECs unexpectedly. There was some debate as to whether the event could be pulled off. If it hadn’t been for me and Vespertine stepping up to EC more or less at the last practical minute, and Luci slogging thru one last year as EC after they swore they were retired, I don’t think we would have had an event. This brings me to my point. Luci still needs to retire from their EC position, and now Tara needs to step down so she can focus on her family and career as well. We need to fill 2 empty EC positions to keep the event running at its best and 1 EC position to keep the event running at all. If any among you wants more year round involvement in and connection to the Interfuse community, I encourage you to think about becoming part of our team!
As an EC, you would work as part of a team of 6 (or maybe 5) in order to:Book vendors.Secure insurance for the event.Collect info for infobots.Communicate with department leaders to requisition needed materials before the event.Communicate with Shriners to make sure their needs and the needs of the event are considered.Assist the Volunteer Coordinator in filling lead positions.Help estimate expenses and assign funds from the budget.Determine and communicate ticketing dates.Be available for department leads to ask you for info and resources to do their jobs, and sometimes prompt them with reminders.Collect info from leads for the Afterburn Report, and send in the appropriate paperwork.Stay up to date on changes within the community and within leadership, and participate in important decisions.ANSWER YOUR EMAIL!
If you want to join our team and help keep Interfuse going, I encourage you to email the current ECs with your questions or your qualifications at: Interfuseecs@midwestburners.org
In addition to ECs, we are looking for department leads for some new departments in development. The new departments will focus on mobility, inclusion, media, and design. Please reach out to ECs at Interfuseecs@midwestburners.org if you are interested in this type of work!
Don’t want to lead yourself but have someone in mind? Nominate them!