General Ticket sales start at noon today, March 8!
About Midwest Burners

Midwest Burners is a Burning Man inspired social and recreational organization. Founded in the Kansas City area in 2003, MWB has since grown to include thousands of members across dozens of states.
10 Burning Man Principles

Our ethos is built on the 10 Principles, a set of commonly understood values reflected in the Burning Man experience.

Burn With Us
Midwest Burns

InterFuse brings the spirit of Burning Man into the heart of the Midwestern United States with a yearly four-day experiment in intentional community.

Pulaski County Fort Leonard Wood Shrine Club
26920 Shrine Road
Laquey, Missouri, USA 65534

Hearths o’ Phyre
InterFuse brings the spirit of Burning Man into the heart of the Midwestern United States with a yearly four-day experiment in intentional community.
Sept 26 – Sept 29

Conesville Dragway, Iowa