Introducing the Mobilitease Department!
To make this initiative a success, we need your help! We are looking for bring together diverse voices and expertise to develop and implement mobility solutions. Whether you have expertise in planning, accessibility, community engagement, or simply want to make a difference, we welcome your involvement. At this time, the most important role we’re looking for is a department lead.
Additionally, this year’s Mobility Bus Station initiative has been a first step towards accessibility in our community. Your insights are crucial to improving our services and meeting the diverse needs of our community. Please take a moment to share your thoughts by filling out our feedback form here if you saw/ heard of/ used the program, or even if you didn’t.
Help us make interfuse accessible for all! For more information on joining this department, please contact us by filling out this form here or at interfuseecs@midwestburners.org. Together, we can drive positive change and build a more inclusive future.
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