Interfuse 2024

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Traveling at Midnight in a Garden of Good and Evil can be dangerous. Take this (map)


Transfers must be accepted by the 11th

1 Adult Ticket Per Account- NO EXCEPTIONS!!!

Everyone will need to make their own unique account to attend the event.

You can only use 1 ticket per account- this means if you have 2 tickets in your account, one will grant you entry and the other will be a donation.

Minors may be listed under their guardians account but should have their ticket in their own name.

Unlike previous years, you cannot just show your ID at the gate to let in an individual whose ticket is under your name.

Time to Start Packing…

THU, May 16: 8am – 10pm

FRI, May 17: 8am – 10pm

SAT, May 18: 9am – 5pm

If you arrive after the gate has closed for the night, there is always the chance that an EC will meet you at the gate to process your ticket and let you in the gate. However, you will NOT be permitted to bring a vehicle on site after hours.

This is a no re-entry event. Make sure to come prepared with all that you’ll need to survive the weekend, and plan on brining everything you brought back with you. That means trash, coal or wood ash, or even the boyfriend you broke up with at the burn.

All Participants MUST have a Photo ID

Ice sales $4 + Firewood sales $5

The only sales taking place at Interfuse are sales of ice and firewood by the land owners, The Shriners. Firewood is $5 for a milk crate full. CASH ONLY.Expect sales to be done between the hours of 10 am – 4 pm. They can usually be found driving their tractor around the property selling ice.

Camp Stamp Exchange

2024 Passport! There are 2 versions depending on your printing capabilities. If you can do double sided, this makes a better booklet.

Whether to weather and whatever to wear?

May in Missouri is notorious for unpredictable and wet weather patterns. While a forecast could be optimistic, always prepare for the possibility of rain and a gambit of temperatures. A good pair of rain proof boots and extra socks (stored in something like a ziplock bag to stay dry) are a boon any experienced Burner wouldn’t be caught dead without. If leaving camp for awhile, maybe think to secure a rainfly and tie down any shade shelters in case of scattered showers


Interfuse comes to a close Sunday. Everyone needs to be off site by 5:00pm unless you’re working with our volunteer crews restoring the land and securing equipment.Leave No TraceMaybe “de-hippy” your vehicle while leaving to avoid unnecessary attention from LEO.

“Closing time, open all the doors
And let you out into the world
Closing time, turn all of the lights on
Over every boy and every girlClosing time, one last call for alcohol
So, finish your whiskey or beer
Closing time, you don’t have to go home
But you can’t stay here”

-Semisonic (not Green Day)

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