Time to Start Packing…
THU, May 16: 8am – 10pm
FRI, May 17: 8am – 10pm
SAT, May 18: 9am – 5pm
If you arrive after the gate has closed for the night, there is always the chance that an EC will meet you at the gate to process your ticket and let you in the gate. However, you will NOT be permitted to bring a vehicle on site after hours.
All Participants MUST have a Photo ID
Shrine Campground
Pulaski County Fort Leonard Wood Shrine Club
26920 Shrine Road
Laquey, Missouri, USA 65534
We want YOU to do an overnight safety shift!
Seriously, don’t die. We’ll make sure of it.
The backbone of our InterRangers, we are your knowledgeable burner community members here to be seen, and be helpful. Rangers operate based off the F.L.A.M.E. acronym; Find out, Listen, Analyze, Mediate, Explain. If you have any emergency the Rangers will be your first line of responder helping to marshal any specific needs to you.
A vital component of the InterRangers, sanctuary provides a safe place to remove ones self from the over stimulating environment of a burn if needed, while also providing emotional support and attention when necessary
Contact sanctuaryinterfuse@midwestburners.org to sign up.
Putting the burn into Burner? Let FAST know!

Our Fire Art Safety Team is tasked with making sure that flame effects and burnable art are safe for our participants to be around. Please take the time to fill out this short form to let our FAST team know about your engineering or art you plan to burn.
Fire Conclave
On Friday and Saturday we shall have a safety meeting and tool check for both performers and safeties at 3pm.
Please see this link with more information on tool and equipment safety to ensure your tools are ready.
Attendance at one of the meetings AND approval of fire equipment is required for participation in the fire ceremony. Each performer must have a safety. Safeties please bring a towel you don’t mind getting sooty. Fire dancers can perform 2-3 times based on the number of performers and timeframe.
Because we burn safely AF, let’s encourage each other to flow with the skills we know. Also, be in touch, and know when your body and brain are able to burn safely.
1 Adult Ticket Per Account- NO EXCEPTIONS!!!
We are using a new ticketing platform that requires every ticket holder to create a unique account on https://midwestburners.volunteeripate.com/.
Everyone will need to make their own unique account to attend the event. You can only use 1 ticket per account- this means if you have 2 tickets in your account, one will grant you entry and the other will be a donation. Please TRANSFER any extra tickets in your account to the intended ticket owners by Saturday, May 11. Minors may be listed under their guardians account but should have their ticket in their own name.
Unlike previous years, you cannot just show your ID at the gate to let in an individual whose ticket is under your name. Making a volunteeripate account is a part of our gate process this year, so everyone needs to make a unique account.
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