Ticket Sale Announcements + ThemE Camp Registration: Coming Soon!


Ticket Announcements

We are using a new ticketing platform that requires every ticket holder to create a unique account on https://midwestburners.volunteeripate.com/.

Everyone will need to make their own unique account to attend the event. Unlike previous years, you cannot just show your ID at the gate to let in an individual whose ticket is under your name. Making a volunteeripate account is a part of our gate process this year, so everyone needs to make a unique account.

We highly suggest using the same email that you use for volunteer shifts as the direct presale links will be sent to those email addresses.

Ticket Prices will be 75$ each for general admission. Children under 12 are $1.

General sale pools people will have the opportunity to buy up to 3 tickets and transfers will be open until Saturday, May 11. Please remember that EACH attendee must have a unique volunteeripate account associated with a single, unique ticket to the event. The ONLY exception is minors who may be registered under their parent/guardian account who houses the ticket.

Direct Ticket Links for last year’s volunteers heading to an email address soon!

Presale link will be sent this weekend to those who volunteered  4+ hours and made sure their Lead got their email address. We can’t have a burn without the gifting of everyone’s time and effort – so we’re happy to offer this presale opportunity.

The presale will open for 2 weeks starting Saturday, March 16.

What about the general sale?

If you weren’t able to volunteer so many hours, or even unable to attend last year, our general sale will have two phases this year too bee more accommodating to the  various availability we all have.

The first round will be on Tuesday, March 19th at Noon central time.

The second round will be on Saturday, April 6th  at Noon central time.

Ticket Prices will be 75$ each for general admission. Children under 12 are $1.

General sale pools people will have the opportunity to buy up to 3 tickets and transfers will be open until Saturday, May 11.

Theme Camp Application

Application Dates: March 16 (Direct ticket launch) through April 14th 11:59 pm 

This is a shorter time frame, don’t be slacking.

For questions after reviewing the form, email placementinterfuse@midwestburners.org 

Registering a theme camp is the best way to ensure your theme camp has a reserved space to camp and interact with the community.  If you’re performing amplified music (Sound camps) are required to register. Theme camp placement will be evaluated on the camps interactivity and contribution to the community. 

So bring out your good side or your evil side and lets build a community the the Garden of Good and Evil – Interfuse 2024.

Open Positions With Midwest Burners Board

MWB BOD has 2 open positions for Treasurer and EC Support! We will be accepting nominations until the end of March.

Have Questions or want to get involved?

Just a reminder of when this goes down

May 16th – May 19th, 2024

Have someone in mind for leadership?

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