This Event Is Cancelled (T.E.I.C.) 2023 After Burn Report

Ad Astra Per Aspera 

Basic Details 

Happened on June 22nd, 2023 – June 25th, 2023 in Topeka, KS for the second year at this location. 

2023 EC Team: Gary Bingham (GareBear), Kate Catlin (Friday), Rachel Katherine (CAPS LOCK) 

“Ad Astra Per Aspera” is Latin for “to the stars through difficulties” and is the motto of Kansas. We’ve gone through some difficulties here at our little Kansas burn but we continue to strive on. Come celebrate our 9th burn with a theme about perseverance, our wonderful state of Kansas, and the beyond. Join us on our adventure to the stars! 

We held our 2023 event on privately owned land in the Topeka area. This year we had a total of 78 attendees. Onsite we had multiple theme camps, art displays, open camping, quiet camping, RV camping, an effigy burn, and a temple burn. 

All 78 attendees were adults, although all children tickets sold no one under 18 came this year. 

List of departments and brief descriptions 

  • DPW – Land prep, infrastructure, and fluffers. 
  • Earth Guardians– Moop patrol, reporting emergent situations regarding land. ● Effigy- Make thing to burn. 
  • F.A.S.T. – Burn the things. 
  • Games Warden– facilitated onsite events in an organized fashion and lead the Show Hoes 
  • Show Hoes – Let people know about the onsite events 
  • A/V/ Club – Makes sure audio and light levels are in check. 
  • Gate– Checking in, reviewing principles, checking ID’s, ❤️hugs! 
  • Medic– Responding to emergent situations dealing with injuries or environmental hazards
  • Burn Perimeter– make sure nobody gets too close to the fire. 
  • Placement – decides where the theme camps, quiet camping, and sound camps will be located.
  • Temple – builds a temple for burning. 
  • Volunteer Coordinator– wrangles the kiddies and makes them do what they promised to do. Finds new kiddies without jobs and puts the to work 
  • Fire Performers Safety– Regulated fire performance areas and equipment to minimize fire hazards. 
  • Art Coordinator – Helps with Art Grant allocation. 


Not including leadership we had a total of 49 volunteers helping before, during, and after the burn. 

460 hours were available for volunteers to sign up from all departments. 


  • Theme Camps – 5 
  • Estimated Displayed Art – 11 
  • Estimated Performers/Performing Groups – 10 
  • Mutant Vehicles – 0 
  • Structure Burns – 2 
  • Scheduled Events – 6 

Art Grants 

Total number of art grants funded this year was 3. 

1. I Wish That They’d Sack Me Stools – El 

Sing about how you wish your boss would fire you while enjoying your time next to a good friend atop of this just barely comfortable toadstool chair. 

2. Per Aspera Per Iris – Rainbow Brite

Under the net is a comfortable area to lie on your back facing up. Hundreds of soft pieces of glow in the dark yarn hang down from the net. These pieces of yarn are soft to the touch, glow in the dark, and bounce manually to create amazing visual effects for those lying underneath. This trap is a visual delight during the day as well as the night. 

3. Walking Through The Stars Without Difficulty – Gare Bear 

Walking Through The Stars Without Difficulty is a portable source of art and light that can be used to light up the lives (and walking areas) of those who are chasing the stars through difficulty! With all the difficulty that we face, darkness shouldn’t be one of them! 

Additional Information 

  • 5.12% estimated first time attendees. 
  • New for this year, volunteers who completed 3 volunteer shifts will be offered directed and discounted tickets for T.E.I.C. ‘24 
  • Our top 3 challenges faces this year are 
  1. Funding 
  2. Property and owner negotiations
  3. Volunteering

Financial Summary

Ticket sales$3,350.00
Total Revenue$4,365.05
Art Grants$613.00
Land Rental$335.00
Equipment Rental$524.66
Departmental Expenses$123.04
Ticketing Fees$100.00
Association Overhead and Regional Development$334.00
Total Expenses$3,133.90
Net Income$1,231.15

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