Gate Hours

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Gate Hours are helpful to know

8-10 Thursday and Friday

9-5 Saturday

Anyone showing up after the gate closes for the night may have to wait until the next morning when you can get a wrist band. In extreme situations, an EC has been known to meet participants at the gate after hours to process them in.

All Participants MUST have a Photo ID

Flaming Mushroom Ring


  • Bring a safety to this party! Have them ALSO sign up on the volunteer signup page to get 3 hours of volunteer credit (link below)
  • Consider bringing an offering of fuel to the communal fuel depot Saturday before the procession. If you have special fuel preferences beyond white gas be sure to bring your own well marked fuel and dip can.


  • Sign up on the volunteer signup page to get 3 hours of volunteer credit (link in comments). You may opt to do an additional hour with Perimeter for 4hrs total.
  • Convince your friends that being a safety is super cool and that they should do it too! Also…Thank you so much, this magic happens because you are willing to hold the line between light and darkness, chaos and order!!

Safety meetings

Friday @ 3pm-4pm

Saturday @3pm-4pm

Location: Concession stand in the field (where the fuel depot usually is) or maybe somewhere smarter like in the tree shade at the edge of the field.

It will be mandatory for both performer and safety to attend ONE meeting to participate in the preburn ceremony! In these meetings we will briefly review safe fire practices, safety techniques, and check our fire tools to ensure they are safe, tight, and right. This is not intended to be a one-stop tool repair shop, so please maintenance your gear before the meeting.Fire breathers, I want to see the bottle you intend to be sippin on.

Preburn Ceremony

show up @ fuel depot 8pm on Burn Night.

As far as the show flow goes, dancers fuel up at the fuel depot then line up at the entrance into the area surrounding the effigy, where lead will be clearing performers to enter the parade of clockwise cycling performers. If any groups want to choreograph please let leads know beforehand so we can include those kinds shenanigans.

Please let me know if you have any questions in the meantime!

Once again, tell your friends the hottest burners all sign-up at:

Have someone in mind for leadership?

2 responses to “Gate Hours”

  1. Katie Avatar

    Hello I tried to email to the email that’s listed and it said it’s not available
    I’m trying to figure out if locals can camp and join y’all’s event may 18th to the 21st! If we can how much is it? And is there an age limit? Thank you for your time!

    1. Tara Byte Avatar
      Tara Byte

      Hello! which email did you try?

      1. as of today, all tickets are sold, and the only way to acquire one would be to find someone on our ticket exchange facebook group willing to meet you at the gate.
      2. anyone may join, there is no membership keeping locals away, and all ages are welcome. our only requirement is that you read and understand the 10 principles that guide and influence our events, as well as our general event rules and code of conduct.
      3. i also recommend you joining our facebook group, as there are other things that make us different than you standard camping event/festival, and lots of tips and tricks are floating around since we’re so close to gate opening.

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