Parking Passes and Volunteer opportunities


Now most of us aren’t going to be able to make it on site by whimsically dancing through a magical portal of mushrooms. For those that are, lucky you, we can talk later.

For the REST of US, we need to think about what we’re doing with those big default world car things while we burn!

Interfuse has limited space, a lot of grass, and is known to get wet and muddy, so some guidance is helpful.

  • All vehicles may enter the burn for up to two hours, before returning to the parking lot. Please use this time to find your ideal spot or placed camp and unload. By the end of the two hours you need to return your vehicle to the main parking lot.
  • You may access your vehicle at any time in the parking lot. You can not however leave the grounds or parking lot and expect to return.
  • Any vehicle that is to be parked within the gates needs a parking pass. Our goal is to limit the number of vehicles within the burn. This improves our ability to respond to emergencies, decreases the default world intrusion, and generally makes a prettier landscape. In addition any parked vehicle needs to make an attempt to be decomidified.

Volunteer Sign Ups are open!!

We would all like to take a moment to thank Star for her years of very public and very devoted work as the Interfuse Volunteer Coordinator. But as all things come to pass, she has handed the position off to her successor, Cree!

Cree will be assisting Star in volunteer coordination. Cree has been burning since IF 2017. She lives partially off grid in a grain bin and does taxes for fun. Please direct questions about volunteering to Cree or the department lead.Cree can be reached on social media interacting on our Facebook Groups as Cree Homestead.Beginning this year, volunteers who log 4 hours of volunteering with an official department and making sure to sign in, will be awarded with a link to participate in the presale for 2024.

Below, Jimmy Fallon will link you you back to the post with all of our volunteer opportunities. Mobile web browsers struggle with the sign ups, for best results view on a PC or Mac.


Our final ticket sale takes place today in 90 minutes from writing this.Tickets may be found at BurnerTickets.comThey are 55$ for general admission, 1$ for children 12 and under.Once tickets are sold out there is a secondary market for face value ticket transfers that can be found on Facebook, HERE.

Have someone in mind for leadership?

4 responses to “Parking Passes and Volunteer opportunities”

  1. Allen Avatar

    Hello, my name is Allen I was looking for sign up for effigy b build I would love to help I should be able to arrive prior to Friday and have plenty of experience

    1. Tara Byte Avatar
      Tara Byte

      Thanks allen! what’s your best contact info, i can pass that along to drew, the effigy lead.

  2. Holli Avatar

    Hello! I filled out a form for a parking pass when I bought my tickets but I haven’t received a response. I’m not sure who to contact about it. Can you help me?

    1. Tara Byte Avatar
      Tara Byte

      how recently was that? second round of approvals were sent out last night. if you didn’t get one in that round, i don’t believe you were approved.

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