Voting for InterFuse 2015 Theme is OPEN

Hey guys, everyone is already in gear for the next InterFuse and voting on next years theme is underway over at the InterFuse Facebook Group. We have compiled more than 100+ choices to what we think were the top 10 themes. The theme choices this year are Forces of Nature, Game ON, Imersia: Choose Your Own Adventure, Zombie Burn, Inversion, Lost In Time, One Spiral, Burnopolis, Nautical Nonsense and EcoLuxe. VOTING IS OPEN UNTIL THE 10th.

If you want to have some input on next years theme hurry over there to vote. If you have any questions about InterFuse or if you do not use Facebook you can email your vote in to Britta at

Also HullabalU is next weekend who is pumped up for that? I am! Sarah Slaughter has worked hard this year to make it a great weekend, this is her first time acting as EC (Event Coordinator) for HullabalU and she threw everything together greatly!

Have someone in mind for leadership?

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